You can register your blog. You can then post the code into the HTML where Google tells you exactly to post it, when editing your site, look in the HTML editor. Once the site has been what is called crawled by the Google Bots you can begin to submit the blog to Google site submission.
Then you can select an add and get the code and adapt your adds for the look of your site. The HTML it gives you can post it in the HTML submission section in your site. From this you can then go to Google analytics and post your site for free again into a reading. From this you can regularly check your viewers and number of clicks per add on your site. Again Google Analytics gives you a code to post into the HTML of your blog (Not on a HTML post on a side of the page) so you can then get regular readings by logging into the blog.

All this is free. However I would recommend getting a good start by logging in regularly and it helps if you have a GMail e-mail which is used to register your blog. Popular blogs are Wordpress.org but you have to pay for a host to host your blog, or for free on Wordpress.com. Another really easy popular link up is through Blogspot. Blogspot I think is a partner now with Google so it does make life a bit easier. If you bookmark individual posts of interest on things think Stumble Upon this helps too. Why because this takes your posts higher in the ranking engine. Also you wil want to find your particular readers. You can do this by searching through Google wonderwheel or going to things like Twitter and typing in your interest or niche or micro niche blog by using the hash key: #blogs or #apples when you post this on twitter you click this and it takes you to a list of people who have also done the same thing.
By adding these people then communicating with them you can begin to do more research on what more advanced bloggers are talking. Chances are though if you are new and you are pretty much well advanced in your interests you'll have much to teach. If this is the case I will warn you be careful sometimes its best to keep it simple because a lot of people copy what you say sometimes, (this is just a current fear) so away around this is building up interest then saving documents to PDFS or making e-books and publishing or selling them yourselves. If this is what you want to do you will have to research the copyrights of other things on Google.

You can do this by going to options on a Google search and checking forums. By checking other things like how many people are already in the search engine for the name of your post or blog if it's in the millions and their are adds to the left then it is a viable site for advertising however it will be really difficult to climb in the top of the Google search engine top one page. If you choose a micro niche which has no commerciability then you will have to select your adds to be in some commercial way, you'll be surprised what is commercial and what isn't . AND THE MOST ENCOURAGING THING IS THIS IS ANY-ONES GAME. You know longer need to be an expensive registered company to try and make money online. And that's the key. I hope this helped. If it did then go to Twitter and add me please, its @robbwindow . Please, please comment on this post it really helps a site gain rankings in the search engine, it's good practise and I always return the favours and it is a good way to link up with other bloggers just click the comment button below. Again if you like my blogs you can subscribe somewhere on this page, to feeds from my posts on your readers either Yahoo or Google readers or even AOL which is very popular.