Michael Cheney AdSense Videos - Master The Basic
The video below has been around for a couple of years, Michael Cheney AdSense Videos - Master The Basics is a good way of understanding the basics of setting up your page. One he is British and can explain the difference about working for Google-Add-sense and two he freely explains his experience with trying to make money online. But more importantly he reminds you of the basics before even starting to expect revenue coming into your age.
In this video Michael takes questions and answers which highlight three things. The first is his outline of promoting yourself. Secondly he reminds you about the mistakes you can make by asking the wrong questions to people and secondly the spelling errors in questions can really effect the judgement of a human never mind Google.
Finally these next video's posted on Google shows Michael Chaney's video's that although outdate and have been slapped by Google laws it shows some dramatic tactics that used to work with improving your adds, like supporting them conversely on your page with images.
Incidently you can find Michael's latest launch or squeeze page if you follow the link, don't worry it's not an affilliate link.