Natural Progression
Today's post here on Natural Progression (np) is not all good news so be warned before reading some of what you read may make you sad and confused, but most of it will make you smile and make you happy. We also go into explaining what the last post was all about.
If you like many are surfing around looking more information, reading the lines of copyright sales letters or churning away with implementing the new strategies people are sharing with you online how to approach people online with relevant selling information then I am sure you will get something from reading this post. So what's it all about?
Well recently the economy has moved into a new spin, but the good news is that if you relate with the introduction, or maybe even you are already a practising copy writer you will be glad to see people are actually interested. So regardless of what you are saying people generally statistically are going to read what you write, but as you know having a camera on your phone can be very helpful; as they say images often, when churning out content and feeding the search engines is great food for viewers. Remember many of us read our blog subscriptions through our readers, remember you Google Reader?
But whats often missing is a call for action, I mean something more related to what it is you have just said. SO what is It I have just said? well I have not said anything yet, but natural progression is something that lives within ourselves, the good news is as we already know the information portals have been open for quite some time now. You have many ways of sharing your message with the world and similarly if you read the news and read opinions and reports from people within relevant fields of thought you can mastermind your own ideas about just about anything.
The downside of this is we are masters of many and delegating chores between each other and meeting up and creating think tanks could one day, well deplete as people become empowered to individually run there own castles. Now I stop for a minute and ask you to visualize this and imagine many thousands of castles with little motes and electronic doors to stop humans in there tracks, for just a minute. Then think history, think what you learned about dinosaurs and the information we get from fossils to think how long we have all been here. Not long really, so this new wave of receiving new information is helping us progress but at the same time has not just instantly appeared.
Similarly many of the online investments and of are still going strong, most of which is actually happening offline. I mean friendships are very strong, old friendships that is but questions arise about the importance of inviting new people into are world. Remember new people everyday have just bought there computer. Many people are just learning how to send there first e-mail. Many people are very worried when they here the word traffic, especially if they are just learning to drive or something like this.
Likewise by concentrating on traffic to content you provide not propped up by the cost of information online can in some instances be very offsetting. For example getting keywords wrong or stepping into a stream of information that provides nothing about what is actually inside the tin.
If you want to understand more about this paragraph you can try Googling Branding again.
Remember even though you know or maybe you do not but every platform that has any reputable amount of members, writers and photographers blogging the new platforms are constantly adjusting settings.
Keeping up with all these things can be very inspiring, but when you are focusing on new ways of doing things this can stop you in your tracks.
The good thing about living in castles hundreds of years ago things could be very simple, but actually they were just as complicated then as they are today, we choose to have many settings and new apps on our phones and similarly in castles kings chose recipes for lunch that were very creative, if not totally bizarre and over the top but I am sure very tasty. The castles had many people contributing within the walls to survive so remember how lucky you are to have a roof over you head let alone having Internet access.
No this post is not about property but if it was or if you are in the property industry its OK like everything else it is business as usual. If you are looking at trends and reading the footsie or the Financial Times you will have spotted a few money pots. You will maybe have noticed on the news where the future lies, and notice new investments with our money. But money in the hands of individuals can be very disconcerting if no money really exists, so why spend money when you do not have it yet? This I call living in the red. Don't get me wrong red used to be my favourite colour but now I am more drawn to more pastel and oblique colours, why do you think this is?
The chances are and I will end here your eyes are viewing many different types of media, and the levels of communication shift between automated and pre-scripted, and by being able to differentiate between the two and have the knowledge that giving is something that has been taken for centuries as a nice model to follow a better option to choose, I recommend this to everyone I meet. And similarly admire people who do this offline, but just wish you could all meet them too. Its a quandary, and the dichotomy is I actually really do enjoy what has been called the "chip landscape".

If you like many are surfing around looking more information, reading the lines of copyright sales letters or churning away with implementing the new strategies people are sharing with you online how to approach people online with relevant selling information then I am sure you will get something from reading this post. So what's it all about?
Well recently the economy has moved into a new spin, but the good news is that if you relate with the introduction, or maybe even you are already a practising copy writer you will be glad to see people are actually interested. So regardless of what you are saying people generally statistically are going to read what you write, but as you know having a camera on your phone can be very helpful; as they say images often, when churning out content and feeding the search engines is great food for viewers. Remember many of us read our blog subscriptions through our readers, remember you Google Reader?
But whats often missing is a call for action, I mean something more related to what it is you have just said. SO what is It I have just said? well I have not said anything yet, but natural progression is something that lives within ourselves, the good news is as we already know the information portals have been open for quite some time now. You have many ways of sharing your message with the world and similarly if you read the news and read opinions and reports from people within relevant fields of thought you can mastermind your own ideas about just about anything.
The downside of this is we are masters of many and delegating chores between each other and meeting up and creating think tanks could one day, well deplete as people become empowered to individually run there own castles. Now I stop for a minute and ask you to visualize this and imagine many thousands of castles with little motes and electronic doors to stop humans in there tracks, for just a minute. Then think history, think what you learned about dinosaurs and the information we get from fossils to think how long we have all been here. Not long really, so this new wave of receiving new information is helping us progress but at the same time has not just instantly appeared.
Similarly many of the online investments and of are still going strong, most of which is actually happening offline. I mean friendships are very strong, old friendships that is but questions arise about the importance of inviting new people into are world. Remember new people everyday have just bought there computer. Many people are just learning how to send there first e-mail. Many people are very worried when they here the word traffic, especially if they are just learning to drive or something like this.
Likewise by concentrating on traffic to content you provide not propped up by the cost of information online can in some instances be very offsetting. For example getting keywords wrong or stepping into a stream of information that provides nothing about what is actually inside the tin.
If you want to understand more about this paragraph you can try Googling Branding again.
Remember even though you know or maybe you do not but every platform that has any reputable amount of members, writers and photographers blogging the new platforms are constantly adjusting settings.
Keeping up with all these things can be very inspiring, but when you are focusing on new ways of doing things this can stop you in your tracks.
The good thing about living in castles hundreds of years ago things could be very simple, but actually they were just as complicated then as they are today, we choose to have many settings and new apps on our phones and similarly in castles kings chose recipes for lunch that were very creative, if not totally bizarre and over the top but I am sure very tasty. The castles had many people contributing within the walls to survive so remember how lucky you are to have a roof over you head let alone having Internet access.
No this post is not about property but if it was or if you are in the property industry its OK like everything else it is business as usual. If you are looking at trends and reading the footsie or the Financial Times you will have spotted a few money pots. You will maybe have noticed on the news where the future lies, and notice new investments with our money. But money in the hands of individuals can be very disconcerting if no money really exists, so why spend money when you do not have it yet? This I call living in the red. Don't get me wrong red used to be my favourite colour but now I am more drawn to more pastel and oblique colours, why do you think this is?
The chances are and I will end here your eyes are viewing many different types of media, and the levels of communication shift between automated and pre-scripted, and by being able to differentiate between the two and have the knowledge that giving is something that has been taken for centuries as a nice model to follow a better option to choose, I recommend this to everyone I meet. And similarly admire people who do this offline, but just wish you could all meet them too. Its a quandary, and the dichotomy is I actually really do enjoy what has been called the "chip landscape".