Our Natural Media Reach Progression
Image by Rafakoy via Flickr
Our media albeit Social has a reach as any affiliate will tell you but the structure of media and how it is accessed down effectively is unclear, so what I propose is a structured analyse of your overall reach, read on for my spin on this.
Media from Top down has had to change over the years, the early days of media the corporate reach, reached out to millions of listeners, readers and cinema goers. Media from the beginning was structured as such not without heartache and restructuring, aligning with available media devices; such as printing press, wireless for those who could afford and cheap tickets to movies accompanied by human participation of the organist. The companies that fed the new media joined forces and branded themselves with impressive motifs depending on how high up the scale they were of the worlds first bite of media.
Now we can break this history into chunks and keep in mind I am trying to shape our media, not some mission statement or universal goal plan but understand like any media the relationships required for business to succeed. In the early 30's for example the movie industries success depended on the amount of cinema's that were taking tickets for Saturday afternoon screenings, evening slots and early numerical analytics. The revenue paid for more films food for the movie industry but it also paid for the overheads of the cinema. From this relationship the necessity for the Media corporations desire to get not only have there logo's at the beginning and end of a movie, they also sponsored the cinema's with a large brand outside the cinema, that's what sponsorship is.
Underneath all this were problems, after all large companies depending on there demographics and potential reach began to expand and close down smaller business's, and this is a prime example of the top down of media.
But what our media consists of is culturally more Eastern analogy, waving the banner of media bottom up approach. Admittedly the relationships still remain the same and the competition is fierce, we have never been at a greater time to use new media to climb the social ladder. Arguments are small and melt into the blogosphere rather than paste the morning tabloids.
The media reach is based on a premise of understanding and working with other people within the sphere. The reps at the top of there expertise, like back in the thirties and much earlier are headhunted by the real media as apposed to our media. But here is the spinner, PR helpers of Media celebrities, you know people on telly who get a blue sticker on Twitter are only now stepping into the Social Media arena to scout and help and guide key people of influence.
Image via CrunchBaseAdmittedly the corporate price of adopting the structure of an organised our media approach is paid and bought for staff to do there job, but this structure is paid for and based on already proved mechanisms; but in my experience of what I like to think as our media, is way beyond that, you only have to revisit old haunts like Digg book marker or Myspace to see how times change. Economically without us playing in the space, there is no media reach, but the top down approach will still reach you whether your at home walking down the high street travelling on a plane, or even on a beach with a big bright balloon floating in the air advertising something.
In summary having somewhere to live and grow where people are is at a place where expertise have never been so accessible, many would argue within new media that controlling this information is key. By sitting someone down at a desk and say your good at that and do it all day, everyday until we choose to do something else. This is why therapies and psychological positions have arisen, this is perhaps why narratives in movies have somewhat been diluted by the encrypted advertising plus the need to shape ideology have risen. New jobs have been created, but many jobs are never actually understood until of course you find yourself doing it day in day out. for example this week I was reading a blog from a blogger on Blogspot who was talking about the life of a link builder. He went on about his day to day duties, but because he had been doing it for quite sometime encrypted in his tea breaks and going out to walk the dog blurbs he clearly expressed the core modules of link building; the worth it has in today's society and even gave little snippets of what big companies paid him dough for his services, I like this because its like a window on the world I can understand.
Our media albeit Social has a reach as any affiliate will tell you but the structure of media and how it is accessed down effectively is unclear, so what I propose is a structured analyse of your overall reach, read on for my spin on this.
Media from Top down has had to change over the years, the early days of media the corporate reach, reached out to millions of listeners, readers and cinema goers. Media from the beginning was structured as such not without heartache and restructuring, aligning with available media devices; such as printing press, wireless for those who could afford and cheap tickets to movies accompanied by human participation of the organist. The companies that fed the new media joined forces and branded themselves with impressive motifs depending on how high up the scale they were of the worlds first bite of media.
Now we can break this history into chunks and keep in mind I am trying to shape our media, not some mission statement or universal goal plan but understand like any media the relationships required for business to succeed. In the early 30's for example the movie industries success depended on the amount of cinema's that were taking tickets for Saturday afternoon screenings, evening slots and early numerical analytics. The revenue paid for more films food for the movie industry but it also paid for the overheads of the cinema. From this relationship the necessity for the Media corporations desire to get not only have there logo's at the beginning and end of a movie, they also sponsored the cinema's with a large brand outside the cinema, that's what sponsorship is.
Underneath all this were problems, after all large companies depending on there demographics and potential reach began to expand and close down smaller business's, and this is a prime example of the top down of media.
But what our media consists of is culturally more Eastern analogy, waving the banner of media bottom up approach. Admittedly the relationships still remain the same and the competition is fierce, we have never been at a greater time to use new media to climb the social ladder. Arguments are small and melt into the blogosphere rather than paste the morning tabloids.
The media reach is based on a premise of understanding and working with other people within the sphere. The reps at the top of there expertise, like back in the thirties and much earlier are headhunted by the real media as apposed to our media. But here is the spinner, PR helpers of Media celebrities, you know people on telly who get a blue sticker on Twitter are only now stepping into the Social Media arena to scout and help and guide key people of influence.
Image via CrunchBaseAdmittedly the corporate price of adopting the structure of an organised our media approach is paid and bought for staff to do there job, but this structure is paid for and based on already proved mechanisms; but in my experience of what I like to think as our media, is way beyond that, you only have to revisit old haunts like Digg book marker or Myspace to see how times change. Economically without us playing in the space, there is no media reach, but the top down approach will still reach you whether your at home walking down the high street travelling on a plane, or even on a beach with a big bright balloon floating in the air advertising something.
In summary having somewhere to live and grow where people are is at a place where expertise have never been so accessible, many would argue within new media that controlling this information is key. By sitting someone down at a desk and say your good at that and do it all day, everyday until we choose to do something else. This is why therapies and psychological positions have arisen, this is perhaps why narratives in movies have somewhat been diluted by the encrypted advertising plus the need to shape ideology have risen. New jobs have been created, but many jobs are never actually understood until of course you find yourself doing it day in day out. for example this week I was reading a blog from a blogger on Blogspot who was talking about the life of a link builder. He went on about his day to day duties, but because he had been doing it for quite sometime encrypted in his tea breaks and going out to walk the dog blurbs he clearly expressed the core modules of link building; the worth it has in today's society and even gave little snippets of what big companies paid him dough for his services, I like this because its like a window on the world I can understand.