Everyone are searching for new things on the backend of
information that has already been completed in a sense. The variety of ways of consuming information on the internet as much as the way in which the queries are made in search. Search engines are evolving to keep up with the number one
search engine. As the
predictive text in search expands the sections of information expand. Search is therefore a suggestive tool to predict the future. The further you manage to drill down and find what is happening gives incite into what might be trends worth
investing time in. The creative mind is a way of keeping busy and trying out many different ways of producing content in a format most fitting for the
audience. In this short article I will share what I know. From this I hope more people will continue to contribute in creative mode, creating new content for people to consume. If video's are your thing this may help you plan your next video. If presentations and speaking in front of an audience is you, then I am sure you will already understand what I am talking about. My hope is this article may trigger something in you to improve on your patterns of creativity to wow your audience. If you are a writer this will give you inspiration to keep on creating your own research and share it on multi platforms to improve your visibility on the social side of the
world wide web.
Everyone lives in their own world of curiosity, searching online creates a pattern, which is universal in many different ways. Looking outside of your own box requires and understanding of requirements needed for different people, who perhaps use certain terminology. These people will not notice if you use or introduce other special terminology and feel confused and click away. The argument for this is that as much as the search is changing, so is the acceptable synonyms in a sense although useful for developing new content is also a risk because of this risk of people feeling tired and confused by new information. Spaces converge when similarities occur. This is nothing new, from country music to punk rock people recognise the new terminology over time. Those at the forefront of these trends have opportunities to attend the best events and sing-a-long with people who at a later date will be unreachable due to the success and demand the consumer world makes on those individuals. This is when creativity and expansion slows down, the desire to move offline and relax sets in and the next generation move in and continue doing the same stuff that works. They may use better graphics or software that creates professional content into the best video, or they may have purchased software and explained how they used that software. If you are proud of what you have done, made the necessary adjustments to keep in the top 3 of all time of the long tail definition everything you represent makes complete sense.
Reformatting copyright information is all that is left and the style your website uses from the response time or the selection of fonts again represents something to the audience you speak too. The lexical nostalgia for text is an interesting concept. Contrastingly when changes occur from size to variations of
HTML, people get tired no matter how nostalgic.
A great way to test this is simple copy in a format which is outside the reach of normal search engines. Then we have the world wide web 3 -5 another concept I assume may also add to the requirements people expect. Similarly creating content on website properties that are not investing in https access, again could make certain people doubt whatever it is they are reading. After all in theory a five year old could create this content. Imagine this, ever since you were born like when you learned the secondary language of your mother tongue a child understands and has the conscious competence to type a certain amount of words a minute. The ability to learn for the corrections made, the foreword thinking of finding and more importantly using on a regular basis methods that help creation stand out.
Predictive text is a good example with the speed of typing text without completing words. On the internet particularly the major search, the added text at the end of a sequence of words begins to expand into sentences, paragraphs and exact retrieval of original sources.
The same goes for images. From presentation to video or text to image these pockets of duplicate creativity have not yet totally converged. I have always been a believer in a better future, with more truth and transparency and have been educated enough to know that citing anything that is not of your own making will also yield respect and unity from people also interested in the original creators of this sort of useful creativity. People constructively resonate with different types of people it maybe age group, else it maybe attraction. For example a women can often explain something in a completely different way simply by saying the same thing, if she is building an audience and at the top of her game, these old styles of creativity will start trending again in that particular community.
The search will already have all the answers. People who want to fast track there way in can invest on the top positions and have banners and pop ups placed in all-sorts of positions on video's especially. Video's again are advertisements that people invest to have those video's broadcast on different platforms often hidden from search. Reaching large audiences, some will be excited by the reminder of the past, many will simply enjoy the new information, citing information is just one way of keeping yourself in check. Sometime in the future if someone decides to research the words you string together the origins of where it all came from will eventually be revealed to themselves. You do not want to create any disenchantment when making your point. And regardless of how far the understanding goes, thought and creativity are two different things. Creativity online no matter what anyone tell you are always inspired by times of the year at certain celebrations. Similarly the shape of the moon can help understand peoples patterns. The problem seems to be to many people spend time in thought instead of meditative journals of their own progression. And when everything is in place the temptation is to change everything, close everything down or ask for a donation of create in a format which brings a return on investment of time. History however offline often made in groups and contained in faculties has many of the answers that people seek. There are many symposiums happening all around the world at any given moment, which make people stumble upon things, who knows it may even be something you said, whist in creative mode which is archived online someplace that this group picks upon and chooses to share in all the right places. For example if you share this article in your
Google community group there maybe more of a chance that someone in your Google community group might also share. Lots of +'s can really help. Many of these shares now automatically get shared elsewhere in one swoop. From
Tumblr to
Twitter, it all adds to the revival and curious nostalgia of the past. I could talk about this for ages but I will stop there because it is nothing new.
To wrap this very basic point I am presenting here is this, not every search engine and browser is keeping up with the curve old is often better than new. The new text might look good on your phone, but on someone else's in another country it may not even load. Additionally there are so many browsers that people still use that by keeping it very simple you are maximising your chances of messages getting across. This can also conflict in flash on video's that do not play on phone.
Depending on your conversions and expectations this means you should test this stuff.
The speed it takes to load, the next new set of codes, web platforms of java script could actually be holding you back from where you were five years ago and where you are going today.
The ability to reinforce and reignite helpful information in the most secluded groups means anything is possible and also adds to the amount of queries being typed or spoken into search queries. This year is no different to any other year. And as I have already mentioned my faith in the translation of texts between the various modalities remains the same. The impact it has on me and anyone else however regardless of age is something we should all admire. Its nice to try a bit of everything when creating content. From text to presentation, presentation to video or presentation live recorded in front of an audience. Its all team building and adds to the social proof, there is always an easier way to syndicate this stuff too. I could go on and on but for now since this is my first article I will end it there. Thanks for reading.
www.isnare.com is where I have submitted this article, hopefully they publish and syndicate so other people can share. Please read my blog at