Natural Progression in a broad sense
Your own natural progression within is different in marketing. The wrong approach, however pursuing your own path of discovery without upsetting people who are also doing the same thing and ignoring the observations or others as they react to your original content. Your ideas and experience and learned knowledge I agree is an institution in itself and understand why you want to protect what you are in essence constructing everyday.
The danger of information is the distraction. The distraction is the RSS Feed, it could even be the incremental changes to make to improve the aesthetics. Its tempting to change, but when the topic of change comes up of course we feel suspicious. After-all how can you rely on someone or something that is always about to change.
Take the natural progression of a community and compare that you the popularity of fashion or a new trend. In natural progression by the time things become popular people get onto the back of these things. Some people are better than others at telling stories, copying paid methods. If you paid thousands of pounds for a script, then told to follow that script word for word, video after video how would you avoid being a liar?
You see natural progression and being an ideas person, with a pocket full of keys and being able to distinguish between a winner and a maybe depends on how to explain what it means to you. This is a key part of containing your own natural progression. Is it fair to say to much research is a smoke screen?
Answer: Research online is determined by the topical news, the news releases come from the top down and constructed as such to filter back down to a bigger idea, constructing your own release within you micro explanation that filters back to the top of your own hub or idea is simple in the world of social media. This will get easier as your team gets bigger. But in natural progression you will be diluting your own message and knowledge in outsourcing, giving away your expressions and ideas away in social media and product launches.
Natural progression is a free for all party for some and a lonely passion for others, those without ideas need a place to go, but over time of listening to being told what to do will inevitably lead to an identity crisis, accepting the way it is can be fundamentally different, however its true and if you are in this position the best thing you can wish for within the oligarchy is at the end everyone concur 'He (or she) was a great person, they never said anything bad about anyone and were part of a lucrative long standing business'.
Well read people will always look down on those that do not except the script and use that script to stop you in your tracks with neourolinguistic techniques to slow down natural progression with pattern recognition. Sometimes these things will be set up and put in place because you did not invest into there idea and they will use your natural progression to confuse and shut you down and worse still transfer your ideas in to paid products, it happens everyday, but do not worry the only way they can shut you down is create a closure of your publishing domain and re-edit there narrative to cover for your own original story, so watch out for this because the path to natural progression is riddled with trouble makers.
Using isolation, avoiding the gaze and respect of who you are as time changes are just some of the things you should be looking out for. The timing and information available to all and the shared readings of Orwell's 1984 has been available to many tribes. People like to highlight governmental organisations but they are just moving you away from your own identity. Loosing identity and moving into other worlds will move you into majority and group mind, good if you want fellowship but bad if you are paranoid about group control.
Another consideration I recommend is respect. When you find a solution that helps you on your natural progression you will be inclined to promote and recommend everything they do, this is fair enough however your own natural progression depends on three factors.
- Originality
- Integrity
- Respect
Why does this happen? I believe, people with influence and the ability to control others are often constructed from bad experience that have thrown them into the place of success. The worse its been the more motivated the message to empower the reader and colleague with illusions of hope. The trick is to you is prove it was not bad, it was never that bad and we live in a world where everything is good and would like to share that good with you, reading between the lines is getting more difficult as the amount of actors, mentors and techniques increase. Being understood is very attractive for many but will therefore distracting in your pursuit of natural progression.
That said you would not be looking for success if naturally had it going on, so understanding the voice and tone of whom I may be speaking to is important. When you found this post you did not have to optin to anything, I had no secret micro social media account or asked you for any monthly subscription. But if I did then this would be part of my natural progression.
Without this Natural Progression would be inviting in a isolation and be identified as a troublemaker. The truth is business changing all the time, and the dependence on the source of natural progression will be good, putting the pieces together and constructing an image of the completed picture is something that happens behind the scenes within groups that will at least do anything to identify and shut down any distractions. This is a place where natural progression can be forcibly created. So your business should be looking out for this too in your reader, preserving RSS and avoiding any changes or updates are often the things that are out of your hands, so tracking these changes in analytics and messages is another. Hope this helps.